Project Description

hand made knives with a custom engraving.

as a shipwrights apprentice, you may often find yourself in need of a tool that can afford a high degree of precision and accuracy. A knife lends itself to many varying jobs, making it incredibly useful. I began making them as a past time last year. I really enjoy the ergonomic challenges presented in making and shaping them. With each knife a different range of motions need to be anticipated.This makes the shaping process an arduous affair, requiring constant revisions. Very similar to coding a HTML page, there is a constant process of making minor alterations and then checking how they feel from an ergonomic standpoint. I am very happy with how the engravings turned out. Both of which where created from hand drawn assets converted into vector masks. I feel that the engravings provide a beautiful element of individuality to each piece.

Project Details

  • Hand shaped traditional mahogany and apple handles.
  • Ergonomic design catering to a dynamic range of motion.
  • Unique custom engraving to clients desire. (me)
  • valued in sentiment as apposed to price