Project Description

a transport solution

When Ger gave us a lecture on using the cnc router and how to produce file types for the shop bot. He had suggested that we render up a box that he passed around. With the intent of fabricating one the following day. This beckoned me onto starting this project, as I had been meaning to create a custom tool box for the carpentry tools I have acquired over the last two years. Upon its completion and full of tools I found it to be quite a behemoth in terms of weight. I later added extruded edges on the base going length ways. Allowing me to simply place the tool box on my longboard to push it around.

Project Details

  • coming in at 300mm X 600mm, it certainly is big.
  • designed to store all of my tools.
  • storage drawer with mohogany latch.

traveling home

Not long after its creation i found myself traveling home with this containing all my tools. The ability to mount it on the longboard is a life saver when traversing across places like galway city in transit.