Visual communication

Intelligent design with an element of craftsmanship.
A Portfolio page created to convey some of my project developments.

About Elan Broadley

Elan Broadley is a post graduate product designer turned boat builder. Spending the last two years attaining work experience at The AK Ilen boat building school. He moved to limerick from county Donegal in 2016. As a self portrayed artist and designer he found this to be the perfect place to nurture his creative ambitions.

The AK wooden boat building school is a resource of traditional boat building techniques taught through a tactile involvement with the project. As a designer, his ambition was to learn how to design and build traditional wooden boats. at this stage in his involvement he has achieved success in perusing this vision.

Completing his first boat build at the beginning of the summer 2017, With a launch at the Baltimore wooden boat festival. Featured in afloat magazine. Upon completion of a 2 year shipwrights apprenticeship He decided to join the fablab in Limerick studying Digital fabrication under (School of Architecture University of Limerick). His initial ambition when joining the fab lab was to combine his understanding of traditional boat composition, with modern fabrication technologies. Translating ship loftings and lines plans into 3 dimensional forms would be considered an important aspect of expressing such an understanding. It was this personal goal that sparked his initial motivation to join the fab lab.

With a broad range of skills to draw from and an eagerness to learn new skills, he hopes to utilize the the fab labs assets to their full potential. Moving back into a structured educational environment, he hopes to amalgamate the practical skills attained over the last two years with his product design back ground.

the fab lab is an excellent environment to develop and hone a designers skills. it is my intention to utilize the space and its assests to their full potential.

you can find my previous LYIT portfolio work from college Via my facebook. . i decided to join the Fab LAB this semester in the hopes of refreshing the skills i had acquired in college, also to combine them with the crafts i have covered in the last two years.

project development

Check out a series of projects created during a semester long exploration of digital fabrication.


Contact me

Feel free to get in touch with me via facebook. Here you'll find a broad range of previously completed art and design projects. I also post new content here.
