Fab-Lab. a recorded exploration of digital fabrication.

Ak Ilen educational model

a project created to help develop and nurture an interest and understanding of traditional boats.

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Self reciprocal tetrahedral structure.

In this concept i explore a design system highlighted by Da Vinci 500 years ago. The Da Vinci bridge was designed to march with armies, utilized to cross any rivers along their way.

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Group prodject

This was a collaborative group project where we attempted to create a cheap and accessible screen printing press that utilizes a vacuum to keep the page situated.

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Contact card

Once I felt comfortable enough with my ability to use illustrator, I decided to begin creating a file that encompassed all the commands the speedy 400 used (Cut/Engrave/Raster engrave).

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Check out page 2 for more personally driven projects<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<