Exploring ideas

Utilizing all laser engraver abilities in one project.
Creating a unique and intriguing business card that conveys my digital engraving skills.

Combining art and illustrative design

This project was conceived during our first week at the fab lab. After our orientation, we where shown how to generate SVG files for the speedy 400 laser cutter. This sparked the beginning of my introduction to adobe illustrator. Software I had had yet to learn and understand. I found myself compelled to learn all I could on the subject.

Driven to return the following week to prove this. Once I felt comfortable enough with my ability to using illustrator, I decided to begin creating a file that encompassed all the commands the speedy 400 used (Cut/Engrave/Raster engrave). Early on I knew this would become a project I would use for my portfolio, so I designed a business card using my digital art.

The “free bird” started life as a pencil sketch I composed 5 years ago. In its rendition, I wanted to portray an etymology of introspection. For digital development I took a high definition photo under ideal lighting conditions. I then used photo-shop to adjust the levels and created clipping mask for use within illustrator. this would become the raster engrave element for the business card.

Whilst studying design, I have always found certain aspects of the craft more intriguing than others. Symbology being a huge fascination of mine. My logo is reflective of this, Inspired by the symbolic portrayal of duality. Newtons assertion that every action has an equal and opposite reaction could be considered a scientific portrayal of this dichotomy in the same way that the Ying-Yang symbol represents duality in a graphic form. This inspired my modern interpretation of two cold war era symbols that I've never seen amalgamated. In analysis of these geometric symbols, I noticed that when halved vertically through the center they create the outline of my initials. The CND ( Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament ) symbol creating an obscure B. the black fill within the nuclear fallout symbol creating a small case letter E.

By combining these elements I was able to create a logo. outline my initials discreetly, and symbolically. im personally very happy with the finished piece.

I find the contrast between the raw illustrator file and the finished mdf business card to be quite amusing.

In conclusion, I'm confident with how the contact card turned out. I feel that this little project gave me the opportunity to develop my understanding of illustrator And produce files for the speedy 400. I used all the commands available, in different ways to compose a quality finished product. To which I am the client.

Contact me

If you like what ive done, let me know. Id be happy hear your thoughts. send me a message via facebook or through my other contact info shown below.

Via email: elanbroadley@outlook.com